bulk texting services

Love it or hate it, bulk email still happens.

It doesn’t bulk texting services what you are planning — a new product launch, a massive sales campaign, or a new book promotion — you will most likely resort to bulk mailing.

Still, it’s best to start with an email campaign.

Is there a difference? We will answer a little later. We will also tell you what recommendations to follow when creating and sending such mailings.

What is Bulk Email?
This is the simultaneous sending of letters to a large number of contacts. Many marketers (myself included) submit a letter of this kind:

The reason is that, at least in the past, mass mailings:

were done to as many users as possible, regardless of whether they gave permission to send such messages;
were done unplanned. They were not part of an ambitious strategy aimed at building long-term relationships with audiences;
nor did the identity of the recipient matter. The main thing was the number of clicks.
Bulk email is very similar to spam. However, many marketers these days use the term bulk email as a synonym for email campaign. I see the difference in these concepts.

And since Google shows different search engine result pages (SERPs) for these terms, we will also treat them as two things in this article.

Key difference between bulk email and email campaign
So what’s the difference between bulk email and email campaign?

Naturally, as an email marketing platform (ESP) provider, we only describe situations where the sender has the right to contact users (permissive marketing).

Bulk email:

sent to the entire subscription base;
is not targeted or personalized;
sent simultaneously regardless of the location of the subscribers.